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Second Hand Equipment Form

Thanks for your interest in placing an advert on the second hand equipment page. This is a free service that ILCT offer the community for two months.
If the device is sold, please let us know to take down the advert. If it doesn’t sell in that timeframe, the advert can be renewed or sale price edited.
The person listed below will be contacted for enquiries. ILCT will not broker the transaction between parties. ILCT take no responsibility for the transactions or equipment sold/purchased through the free community service.

Please enter your contact number for enquiries.

Please enter your email so we can reply to your enquiry. Your email will not be shared online.


In what age bracket do you belong?

The best description of the product helps when searching the internet for products.

Include the condition of the product (used, nearly new, small tear on side) or the product description from the original website/website link.

e.g. Product front, back, side and any interesting features. The maximum size of combined files is 512MB. Photographs can also be sent to info@ilct.com.au after completing the form.

e.g. Product front, back, side and any interesting features. The maximum size of combined files is 512MB. Photographs can also be sent to info@ilct.com.au after completing the form.

e.g. Product front, back, side and any interesting features. The maximum size of combined files is 512MB. Photographs can also be sent to info@ilct.com.au after completing the form.

e.g. Product front, back, side and any interesting features. The maximum size of combined files is 512MB. Photographs can also be sent to info@ilct.com.au after completing the form.