The Independent Living Centre Tasmania [ILCT] provides a number of services across the State. Through our different services, we aim to bring more independence, wellbeing and inclusion to the lives of Tasmanians.

Information Service
ILCT is funded by the State and Commonwealth to provide state-wide information service on assistive technology, tips and techniques to make your life easier every day.

Make a referral
Make a referral today if you need to see an occupational therapist, a speech pathologist or a physiotherapist.

Equipment database
The ILC Australia equipment database is available and contains information on thousands of items with a detailed description, picture and suppliers.

Allied Health
Allied health professionals can help you decide what modifications or equipment is needed for living independently in the community, tailoring advice and information to your situation.

Support Services
A selection of commercially available equipment on display at each centre.

Functional assessments can be conducted in the home, workplace, school, or community.

Assistive Technology
ILCT gives advice about assistive technology and how it can help you to complete a task.